Privacy Policy

1. Data Controller

In accordance with current applicable data protection regulations, the data subject is informed that the personal data provided (the “Personal Data”) by the use of this website (hereinafter, the “Website”) will be processed by Titan Operating System, S.L. ("TitanOS" or “Data Controller”) as the data controller of the Personal Data, whose contact details are as follows:

  • Tax Identification Number: B10741833.

  • Registered Office: Avda Diagonal 571, 2nd Floor, 08029 Barcelona, Spain.

  • DPO/Data Protection e-mail Address:

2. Purpose and lawful bases for processing

The Personal Data provided by users through the Website will be processed for the following purposes:

  • To manage queries and suggestions from users sent through the contact section of the Website. The basis for processing is the express consent of the user.

  • To allow the downloading of our contents, being the legitimate interest of TitanOS the legal basis for the processing.

  • To manage our business relationship with you as a client or potential client under our legitimate interest.

  • To manage participation in events or other similar activities. The legal basis for the processing is the execution of the contractual relationship between TitanOS and the participant.

  • To send newsletters and/or other commercial communications regarding TitanOS products and/or services. The legal basis for the processing is the legitimate interest of TitanOS.

  • To send newsletters and/or other commercial communications regarding TitanOS partners’ products and/or services. The legal basis for the processing is the express consent of the user.

  • To carry out internal data analysis, research, development and service improvement of the use of the Website. The legal basis for the processing is the legitimate interest of TitanOS.

  • To comply with potential legal obligations, for which the basis of the processing is the compliance of TitanOS with legal obligations.

Users may withdraw their consent at any time. However, if the data subject withdraws his or her consent or objects to the processing of his or her data, this shall not affect the lawfulness of any processing previously carried out.

3. Categories of Personal Data processed

TitanOS will process those personal data provided by users during the use of the Website. In particular:

  • Identification data provided by the user: name, surname.

  • Contact details provided by the user: telephone, e-mail address.

  • Browsing data: IP address

4. Data retention

TitanOS will keep Users' Personal Data only for the time necessary to carry out the purposes for which they were collected, as long as the consents granted are not revoked. Subsequently, if necessary, TitanOS will keep the information blocked until the legal liabilities that may have arisen as a result of the processing of users' Personal Data have expired.

5. Security and confidentiality duties

TitanOS has implemented the necessary technical and organizational measures to guarantee the security of the Personal Data and to prevent its alteration, loss, or unauthorized access or processing, taking into account the state of the art, the nature of the data and the risks to which it is exposed. However, please note that measures on the Internet, due to their nature and global character, are not impregnable.

6. Data recipients

User’s data may be shared with:

  • The relevant tax authorities for the fulfilment of TitanOS’ tax obligations, as well as any other public administration that may legally require information.

  • Judges and Courts in the cases provided for by applicable law.

Likewise, the Personal Data may be accessed by service providers of TitanOS (i.e., data processors) if such access is necessary for the adequate fulfilment of legal obligations and/or for the purposes indicated above regulated by the relevant agreements. These providers will not process the Personal Data for their own purposes but to comply with TitanOS’. Such services may include hosting and cloud Services providers, IT Support Services, analytics, CRM, mailing, etc.

7. International data transfers

In order to fulfil the aforementioned purposes, TitanOS may use service providers located outside the European Economic Area or in countries that have not been declared to have an adequate level of protection. In any case, TitanOS ensures that the security and lawfulness of the processing that is guaranteed by implementing appropriate safeguards.

8. User Responsibility

The user guarantees that he or she is over 14 years old and that the data provided belongs to him or her and that they are true, accurate, complete and up to date. To this effect, the user is responsible for the ownership and veracity of all the data provided and will keep the information provided duly updated.

The user accepts the he or she will be liable for any false or inaccurate information provided through the Website and for any damages, direct or indirect, that this may cause to TitanOS or third parties.

9. Data subjects’ rights

The data subject may contact and exercise the following rights, at any time and free of charge, by contacting TitanOS registered office indicated above or to the following e-mail address:

a)    Access to Personal Data.

b)    Rectify inaccurate or incomplete Personal Data.

c)    Request the erasure of the Personal Data when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected.

d)    Obtain from TitanOS the limitation of data processing when any of the conditions set out in the data protection regulations are met.

e)    Request the portability of the Personal Data.

f)    Object to the processing of the Personal Data.

g)    File a complaint with the relevant data protection authority when the user considers that TitanOS has violated the rights recognised by the applicable data protection regulations.

h)    Where a processing operation is based on the consent of the user, the user may withdraw the given consent at any time. Likewise, where the processing is based on the legitimate interest of TitanOS, the user may execute the right to object at any time. However, the withdrawal of the consent and the objection of the User will not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out prior to that moment.

The data subject may contact and exercise the following rights, at any time and free of charge, by contacting TitanOS registered office indicated above or to the following e-mail address:

a)    Access to Personal Data.

b)    Rectify inaccurate or incomplete Personal Data.

c)    Request the erasure of the Personal Data when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected.

d)    Obtain from TitanOS the limitation of data processing when any of the conditions set out in the data protection regulations are met.

e)    Request the portability of the Personal Data.

f)    Object to the processing of the Personal Data.

g)    File a complaint with the relevant data protection authority when the user considers that TitanOS has violated the rights recognised by the applicable data protection regulations.

h)    Where a processing operation is based on the consent of the user, the user may withdraw the given consent at any time. Likewise, where the processing is based on the legitimate interest of TitanOS, the user may execute the right to object at any time. However, the withdrawal of the consent and the objection of the User will not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out prior to that moment.

The data subject may contact and exercise the following rights, at any time and free of charge, by contacting TitanOS registered office indicated above or to the following e-mail address:

a)    Access to Personal Data.

b)    Rectify inaccurate or incomplete Personal Data.

c)    Request the erasure of the Personal Data when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected.

d)    Obtain from TitanOS the limitation of data processing when any of the conditions set out in the data protection regulations are met.

e)    Request the portability of the Personal Data.

f)    Object to the processing of the Personal Data.

g)    File a complaint with the relevant data protection authority when the user considers that TitanOS has violated the rights recognised by the applicable data protection regulations.

h)    Where a processing operation is based on the consent of the user, the user may withdraw the given consent at any time. Likewise, where the processing is based on the legitimate interest of TitanOS, the user may execute the right to object at any time. However, the withdrawal of the consent and the objection of the User will not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out prior to that moment.

Last update: May 2024.

Last update: May 2024.

Last update: May 2024.